Final Fantasy IX CGI: Dagger’s Haircut

Final Fantasy IX CGI where Dagger cuts her hair! This so cute CGI =¨) enjoy

10 comentarios en “Final Fantasy IX CGI: Dagger’s Haircut”

  1. It’s a symbol of a new change, and that she will become a new person and not let her past destroy her. It’s for her to remind herself that she needs to become Queen and to become a ruler and protecter, not some little princess who just sits by and watches.

  2. Man this game was great, and to think it was on the Ps1. I hope FFXIII will be half as good as this, but sadly it looks like it’s going mainstream and ott.

  3. it’s final fantasy, you must play it 4 times to get it. plus its just an awesome sceen so shutup.

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